Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Start of a New Decade

Hello all,

Some of you have expressed interest in being able to keep up with the Lord's work here in Gettysburg, PA and I'm thankful for that interest, and I will try to keep you posted as often as possible. I've chosen to do another blog to achieve this because honestly it's less work for me and it's easy to let you know when it's updated. So I hope that you find it encouraging. I will inform you of updates via facebook and twitter.

Now for the update...

I've now been in Gettysburg for a week and half and it has been terrific. The brethren here have just taken me in as one of their own. I've been fed a lot and spent a lot of time with the brethren. They have a lot of Bible studies like you guys at EH. The teens get together twice a week to study. The adults have various studies throughout the week as well. It's been a great encouragement to see their interest in spiritual things.

I'd be lying if I said the first week or so hadn't been crazy. As most of you can relate, any time you move or start a new job you have to figure out the workload and your daily routine. Well, I'm still trying to feel my way through a routine. I'm starting to feel confident of one, but it's not set in stone yet. Here is a rough idea of the things I'll be doing here for the next few weeks:

I'll be preaching once a week (which I'm not used to) but very thankful to do. I'll be teaching the Wednesday night adult class on Ecclesiastes. I'll be assisting Scott in teaching a topical class on Sunday morning with the college-aged adults. On Sunday evening after worship, I'll be leading a study on the book of Mark with the college-aged adults. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings I study with Scott from 10-12. We are studying the book of 1 Corinthians (M,W) and various topics on Friday. In two weeks, I'll begin leading a study at the Bishop's with a couple of their neighbors. I hope to soon have several individual studies with some of the high school kids. I'll be attending a couple teen studies throughout the week, as well as some studies that Scott has at the moment.

I am thankful for all of these opportunities but there is more time to add additional studies. I hope and pray that the LORD will help me (us) to find those who need and are interested in hearing the gospel.

My prayer for you is the same that I pray for myself: "LORD may you be able to use me for your good." May we all be vessels of honor prepared for every good work.

God bless each of you,



  1. Nice looking blog. Love the title. I'll have to point Seth to this site. He'll appreciate the name.

    Sounds like you're pretty busy. Know you are going to learn a lot with Scott. I'm jealous.

    You're in our prayers, brother. Keep up the good work!

    Your fellow slave, David

  2. Looks like EH was a pretty good training ground. Now you are even busier than before! Thankfully, you have extended opportunities to learn and teach others to understand and do what is pleasing in the sight of the Lord, according to His gospel. Paul says our JOY is to see our brethren do good. I pray you continue to grow in the fruit of God's word (LOVE). Keep the faith!

    In Christ, Doug

  3. It will be great to see what opportunities are granted in 2010! So glad to have you with us here.

  4. You are off to a very busy start this year! We miss you but know you are being a blessing there. Thanks for creating this blog so we can keep up with you. You are in our prayers!

  5. A full plate I like it. Continue to let God work in you for us glory.

    Is always good to be a slave of Christ.

    In Him.
